• Mar 19 2022 | 3 PM EST 
  • Mar 19 2022 | 3 PM EST 

Parents, Can You Relate To Any Of These?

  • You feel disconnected from your children.
  • You feel helpless and alone as a parent because of a lack of external support and/or from the other parent.
  • You are struggling with your children's behavior and have real concerns about them becoming responsible, successful, even law-abiding adults.
  • ​You feel like a failure as a parent because of the life trajectory that your child or children have followed.
  • You want to proactively prepare your young children so that they avoid the pitfalls that too many black youth have stumbled into.
You've wanted to start a side hustle or business, but the grueling toils of ministerial life leave you too physically and mentally drained each day.
You have an idea or passion that you know is worth money, but you're struggling with fleshing it out and organizing it in a way that would make it profitable.
You have expertise in something and want to charge people for it, but you're afraid that no one will pay you for what you surmise they could simply find on the Internet.
​You see a path to starting an online, knowledge-based business, but you are overwhelmed with the aspects of marketing, social media, funnels, and all of technical nuts and bolts that come along with it.

​You're so ready to transition into full-time entrepreneurship that will provide for your family and leave a legacy for your children, but you are daunted by the risk of leaving your job without the assurance of success.
You have a business that's making money, but despite your best efforts to expand and scale it to heights you know you are capable of achieving, you've hit an insurmountable ceiling.
There is no job more vital to the prosperity and advancement of the black community than that of the BLACK PARENT.
And, because of the unique, systemic problems that face people of color in America, there is also no job more stressful, challenging, demanding, and mentally draining.
One of the numerous consequences of hundreds of years of disenfranchisement of African Americans is the compounded effect of post-traumatic stress transferred from one generation to the next.

Simply put, parents naturally tend to parent their children the same way they were parented.

And with black parents over the generations fighting each day just to keep their sanity while juggling a host of insurmountable stressors, their often toxic yet legitimate responses to stress are experienced by their children, who learn the same responses and pass them on to their children, and the cycle repeats.
We must BREAK this cycle, but how?
Even for parents who recognize that they must parent their children differently from the methods they experienced as children (not to mention parenting each CHILD differently from another), unlearning old methods and learning effective ones is much easier said than done.

The truth is, while there are numerous helpful resources geared towards empowering and mentoring children, there aren't many hands-on programs specifically aimed at supporting black PARENTS.
My name is Ronnie Vanderhorst.
For the past 40 years, as co-founder and lead presenter of Prepare Our Youth, our organization has provided a comprehensive response to the educational, social, emotional, cultural, and spiritual needs of children, families, and communities. 

We have reached over 100,000 people through our Outreach Services, tutored over 5,000 children in our Educational  Services, counseled over 5,000 families through our Counseling Services, and responded to over 10,000 calls for assistance of some kind. More than one thousand children and their families have been helped during our special projects and needs distributions.

But this passion of mine to empower, educate, and equip black families is personal.

Just as I know the fun, joy, and rewards of parenting, I am aware of the fears, fatigue, and frustrations also.

Oh, how we miss in-person interactions!
Although year 3 of this global pandemic continues to keep us physically distant and restricts our ability to in-person sessions for help and healing for the trauma Black men have experienced, the ongoing oppression we face on a daily basis still needs to be addressed.

In fact, for many of us, experiencing an unprecedented pandemic has made our need to REPLENISH more urgent than ever before as we deal with financial struggles, emotional fatigue, challenges with children, marital or relational strife, deaths of loved ones, and lack of significant in-person contact.
Prepare Our Youth has been able to help hundreds of mothers and fathers, grands and guardians who have had similar experiences.

This URGENT need for foundational support of Black Parents has inspired Prepare Our Youth to launch a FREE webinar series entitled The Parent Group...
Starting on March 19, 2022 at 3 PM EST, I'll facilitate an inspirational, informative, and interactive 5-week masterclass series for parents only. 

Each Saturday afternoon, you'll get:
  •  A safe space for parents to be transparent about their challenges
  • ​ Insightful, solution-oriented presentations for black parents
  • ​ Lively, real-talk discussions
  • The tools to develop tailored goals and a work plan for your children  
This FREE Webinar Has Limited Seats, So Register NOW!


Hear what others have said about Ronnie Vanderhorst!

"Ronnie Vanderhorst is literally a gift to the black community! For the last 25 years, he has been a guiding presence in my life as a mentor and an advisor. His knowledge is expansive, and his wisdom is practical. Ronnie has a unique way of speaking to men that ignites a fiery desire to be better! Everytime I hear him speak, I am challenged to live at a higher level!"

Dr. Wesley Knight,  Founder of Communiversity, Inc.
"Working with Ronnie made a permanent difference in my life. He is a mentor, coach, and much more that impacts all areas of your life including your spiritual walk, marriage, and family life. I can’t recommend him highly enough."

Joel Sam, Sales Executive & Entrepreneur
"Ronnie Vanderhorst has truly been a guiding influence in my life. I remember as a college student listening to him present on manhood and experiencing a shift in my thinking about what it meant to be a man. He knows how to develop people, especially men. My life is better because of the mentoring I have received from him."

Kymone Hinds, Implementation Strategist, Ideas to Life
You can search high and low for a clearer, more enlightened voice than Ronnie Vanderhorst and you will not find one. His passion for helping people, liberating those held captive by injustice, their past traumas or their own inner thoughts shines through in his written and spoken words. Always ready with fresh revelation, he has an uncanny ability to effectively engage multigenerational and multicultural audiences in transformational introspection and growth. I have personally called on him to speak and present in a variety of settings and have never been disappointed. His presentations are so rich they fill, yet leave you yearning for more.
Dr. David Defoe, Psycotherapist and Clinical Director, Imara Counseling Services
Spots For This FREE Webinar Are Limited, So Register NOW!


Here's feedback from more individuals whose lives have been changed!

Ronnie Vanderhorst has distinguished himself as an author and speaker that understands African-American culture. For anyone that cares about understanding the challenges of urban culture today and looking for a fresh approach to handle the African American concerns, Ronnie’s Seed Planter ministry is an absolute must.

Tyrone Boyd, Chaplain
"Ronnie Vanderhorst has been discipling me for 6 years now. In that time I have been married (he officiated the wedding and did the premarital counseling),  had two children (he officiated both baby blessings),  and received two promotions (now VP). This is no coincidence. Ronnie has played a key role in my development from an anonymous person in the crowd to a high-impact leader. His intellect, passion, and witness gives him an uncanny ability to inspire and transform. Simply said, the words he speaks are profound and penetrate to produce action."

Casey Hughes, Regional VP of Sales for Olympus Corporation of the Americas
 "A very profound, radical, spiritual and wise resource for all types of people. I have been to many venues hosted for Ronnie Vanderhorst and have witnessed the changing of lives. I had been married to my lovely wife for 29 years, and with a heavy heart, we both knew we needed a bridge to help us over the traditional marital troubled waters. We found a true caring, empathetic and very knowledgeable resource to give myself and my lovely wife the tools to take our marriage to new heights. Mr. Ronnie Vanderhorst was our resource who got down to the real hard core nitty gritty marital issues that I have found most counselors will avoid. Thank you and your lovely wife Janice for your love and concern for my wife and myself."

Walter Murray, RN, MSN, Professor at Widener University Nursing Program
I will not forget that day when I heard Ronnie speaking to a young audience. Their eyes were locked on him as he connected his words and made them rhyme, and without a pause dropped some deep lines that made you think! He was so passionate and engaging that I could not leave his message. He was not just blowing out words, but dropping knowledge, and if another speaker were speaking on the same subject, the outcome would not have been the same. Ronnie is a profound, enthusiastic speaker and teacher who gets results. He is a prolific writer as well, and really captures the attention of the youth and young at heart. When you read his books, it’s like listening to him speak. If ever you need a speaker, teacher, attention-getter you must get Ronnie Vanderhorst. He is off the chain, and you will be freed from your chains once you hear him speak or read one of books. 

Ron Edmonds, Retired Youth Leader
“I have known Ronnie Vanderhorst for over 30 years, and during that time I have been inspired, educated, and motivated to achieve my best self. The unique and intentional call on his life cannot be denied once you experience his perspective and teaching. He has provided leadership, counseling, and direction for so many and I personally owe a debt of gratitude to him for the way he has poured into my life. His books, trainings, and resources are much needed in these interesting and uncertain times a is needed as a voice in the urban wilderness.”

Noah Washington, Pastor
This FREE Webinar Has Limited Seats, So Register NOW!

Parents, Your Support Group Is HERE!

If you're committed to not just registering for this webinar but showing up each week, learning proven parenting strategies, and consistently implementing them in your household, I can tell you with all certainty that your children WILL benefit as a result!


1. Book Your Seat
Simply click on any of the buttons on this page to reserve your spot for the webinar series. You'll be asked to enter a few basic contact details so that we'll be able to communicate with you.
2. Check Your Email
We'll send you a confirmation email and reminders with links to the online session to ensure you don't miss this webinar (make sure to check your junk email!)
3. Join The Private Facebook Group
Upon registering, you'll get access to a private Facebook community where you can interact with Ronnie Vanderhorst and the other parents who have registered for the webinar. This is a safe community for us to interact and grow together, gain helpful resources, and challenge and sharpen each other like iron.
4. Show Up, Participate, and Start A New Cycle In Your Home!
By securing your spot in this event, you're demonstrating your willingness to invest in yourself and your children. Make sure you follow through on that commitment by showing up ready to interact, take notes, and take action in your family!
Spots For This FREE Webinar Are Limited, So Register NOW!
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