3 Secrets To Facilitating

A DYNAMIC Sabbath School Class

In A Post-COVID World!

October 24, 2021  |  5 PM EST  | 2 PM PST

The pandemic forever changed the way we do church and Sabbath School.
Many churches in 2021 have adapted and are thriving with their online Sabbath School broadcasts that have potential worldwide reach.

Many have struggled to maintain a viable virtual platform at all, or it is solely limited to a local audience.

Many have reopened their doors but wrestle with the difficulties of establishing a vibrant in-person Sabbath School that attracts those who have become accustomed to staying at home.
The core role and service of Sabbath School, whether held virtually or in-person, are still vital for the spiritual growth of the attendees, yet many new and veteran facilitators alike still often struggle with the same questions they had before the pandemic:
  • How do I attract more attendees beyond the same handful of people who show up to Sabbath School each week?
  • ​How do I keep my audience engaged instead of "hearing" crickets when I ask questions?
  • How do I deal with disruptive individuals constantly monopolizing the speaking time?
  • How do I drive interaction when the lesson topic is difficult for my students (and sometimes even myself) to understand?
  • ​How do I handle being a new Sabbath School teacher thrown into a hybrid environment when I struggle with lesson preparation, intimidation, even stage fright?


On Sunday, October 24 at 5 PM EST, I'm hosting a FREE comprehensive webinar called "The Flight" that is a must-attend no matter how green OR seasoned you are as a Sabbath School teacher!

In this exclusive online training, you will:
  •  Learn step-by-step how to start a dynamic Sabbath School class from scratch, even with no technical experience...

  • ​ Discover simple keys to preparing your weekly lessons in a way that's clear, exciting, and transformational

  • ​Transform your existing  class into one that attracts and retains attendees despite having so many other options...

  • ​Increase student participation by discovering how to create engaging questions...

  • ​​Navigate your class from takeoff to landing in a method that breeds thought-provoking conversation, dispels "hijackers", and leads to a practical takeaway for all participants at the end.


My name is Curtis Hall, and as a Sabbath School teacher, superintendent, consultant, and trainer for over 40 years, I've trained conferences and churches worldwide on increasing Sabbath School value by developing their department leaders and teachers.

During the shutdown, I launched a virtual Sabbath School broadcast called Hit The Mark that continues to attract thousands of engaged viewers from around the globe each week. I have also worked with churches in helping them successfully transition back to in-person classes.

Like many Sabbath School leaders, I have long believed that online class is here to stay regardless of when a vaccine was available, and now that numerous churches are reopening, the dilemma of facilitating a successful transition to maintaining both in-person and online platforms is becoming more daunting for many churches.
So here's my question.

Do you have a viable PLAN for transition and growth in your Sabbath School class, or have you been flying by the seat of your pants hoping for the best?

If we are going to preach the gospel into all the world, we can't simply be throwing up a prayer, winging it, and expecting God to bless our haphazard efforts. 

We need to be INTENTIONAL and STRATEGIC about Sabbath School!

Spots For This FREE Masterclass Are Limited, So Register NOW!


I have given live presentations on the principles outlined in this training. Here's what attendees said!

Are You Ready To Make #NextLevelSabbathSchool
A Reality In Your Church?

If you're committed to not just registering for this webinar but showing up, learning these skills, and consistently implementing them in your Sabbath School class, I can tell you with all certainty that your ministry WILL grow and it will elevate all other ministries in the process!


1. Book Your Seat
Simply click on any of the buttons on this page to reserve your spot for the webinar. You'll be asked to enter a few basic contact details so that we'll be able to communicate with you.
2. Check Your Email
We'll send you a confirmation email and reminders with links to the online session to ensure you don't miss this webinar(make sure to check your junk email!)
3. Join The Private Facebook Group
Upon registering, you'll get access to a private Facebook community where you can interact with Curtis Hall and the other Sabbath School Streamers who have registered for the webinar. This is a safe space for us to interact and grow together, gain helpful resources, and challenge and sharpen each other like iron.
4. Show Up, Participate, and Start Your Sabbath School Revolution!
By securing your spot in this event, you're demonstrating your willingness to invest in yourself and your God-given ministry. Make sure you follow through your commitment to improving not only your church's Sabbath School program but the spiritual lives of every person you come into contact with going forward!
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